Self Love, Personal Growth, Meditation, Self Love Rockstar

Finding Rockstar Power When We Feel Powerless

Do you ever have that feeling? The feeling like a pit in your stomach? Maybe after experiencing a loss of some kind, or a breakup, or a natural disaster, or something crazy with the government like a vote passing or someone you didn’t want to get elected getting elected?

This morning I woke up with a heavy sadness about something I felt incredibly powerless about. I felt the pit in my stomach. I noticed my thoughts wanting to swirl into a dark abyss.  I reined them in. I had to continue doing this throughout the day and am still continuing to do it now. Emotions seem to come in waves for me so when the waves come, I have to ride it until it passes, and help it along.

The feeling of powerlessness or helplessness sucks… and it’s not real. I mean, of course the external circumstances are “real” in that they are happening whether or not I want them to, Yes the situation is “real” in that it’s occurred.  But I am never powerless. I always have ONE THING I can control and be powerful over… how I choose to feel and perceive what is around me.

Most people think the concept of “choosing” how we feel is strange because it hasn’t really been taught. People don’t generally teach us how to embrace what we are feeling and then let it go, but that is exactly the most healthy thing to do.

Awhile ago I heard a fantastic example about letting go- when toddlers play with toys, they will pick something up, and then drop it to grab the next thing that catches their eye. Toddlers will not generally overfill their arms to keep grabbing more stuff. They move on, and they are present with what they are doing. Many lessons can be gleaned from this but for now, let’s focus on the “letting go” lesson children can teach us.

I can feel what I am feeling, and then “drop it” and move on. I don’t have to let myself be overcome with an abyss of potential horrendous outcomes and future “maybe’s.” I don’t have to collude with others who feel the same way so we can all swim in a pool of sadness. I can lift myself up and choose something different. How?

First of all, discipline. Straight up Self Love Rockstar discipline. For example, for some extra support over my freaked out thoughts, I played Louise Hay affirmations in the background about safety and well being almost the entire day today. I allowed myself a conversation or two with a close friend for a few minutes wallowing and then moved on. The best thing I can do for me is to realize that:

  1. I am safe
  2. The Universe loves me
  3. Everything is always (and all ways) working out for me

Being a rockstar is not fluffy like dressing up in a tutu and waving a magic wand (although that would be a blast). Sometimes being a rockstar means getting our hands dirty and doing the mental work… but the payoff is worth it.

Now it’s time to make your move… I challenge you rockstar the next time you may find yourself sliding down the slippery slope of powerlessness… to snap yourself out of it and Re-Member who you are. We’ve got this!

Author: Amy Carpentieri

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