Self Love, Personal Growth, Self Worth

Rockstar Tools We Know but Need to Remember

I’m not sure exactly what it is, but for some reason even though many of us have tons of resources and tools we can use to feel good and love ourselves more.  It seems like we inconveniently forget them from time to time. Haven’t you ever heard someone say (or said yourself), “I know, I know, I need to do that.” or “Oh yes I forgot- I will do that right away?” I’m not sure why we forget the tools except that we sometimes block ourselves from receiving happiness.

Here is an example, I was out of town and staying in a hotel for the night close to the airport. In a different hotel room was another self love rockstar. I heard the airport (and saw the courtesy ear plugs) and instead went to YouTube and found an awesome “sleep reprogramming” music/affirmation combo to play for 6 hours. I slept fantastic. My friend, on the other hand, slept terrible. When I mentioned the affirmation music she said, “Of course, why didn’t I think of that?” and then that evening proceeded to use a tool she already knew about but had forgotten.

There are tons of examples like that. Whenever I hear about a specific kind of meditation or starting the day with the right intention it always reignites my passion to have that daily practice in my life. Why do I ever stop? To say “I get busy” doesn’t feel like a good enough answer. I guess I stop making it a priority for some reason.

The point is, there are TONS of rockstar tools we all know… but forget. So that is why we need to hear them, read about them, get trainings about them, and be reminded again and again…  until the practice of using them is so ingrained we do not forget.

Another example is going to live seminars. I went to a Tony Robbins “Unleash the Power Within” seminar 2 years ago and then went again almost a year ago. The actual basic content was the same, but I got so much more the second time. Why? The main reason is that  I was reminded of the tools and resources to help me change my emotional state. After the second time going to the seminar, I more deeply incorporated the practices and tools I learned because as Tony says, I got them more “in my body.” In other words, I have made made using the tools more of a habit.

Challenge for the week: assess your toolbox and pick a resource you haven’t used in a while and use it this week. I am going to use the “talking to my intuition” tool I’m enjoying (thanks to Jess Lively). Let’s go for it rockstars! Giddy up!

Author: Amy Carpentieri

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