self love, personal growth

Rockstars Don’t Have to Figure it Out

In adult life, we all have to “figure it out.” We need to figure out how to pay bills, get a loan for a home, and if you are a parent, how to keep another human being alive and thriving.

This practice of “figuring it out” has strengthened the rockstar in me but has also hindered me at times, too. Recently, my husband and I have been set back 10 years financially. So, in true” figure it out” fashion, I leap into action. We come up with a plan. I research and research, analyze and reanalyze…to the point of having trouble turning it off at the end of the day to sleep.

During my first bout of restlessness (3 nights or so)…I cannot “figure it out.” I research and research, analyze and reanalyze, and I still cannot “figure it out.” I begin feeling gloomy, mad, and frustrated…probably due to lack of sleep 😉 So, I set it aside.

But, I Cannot Let it Go

I have to make something happen. I have to figure it out. So, again the following night, I research and research, analyze and reanalyze, and still I cannot figure it out. I feel a myriad of emotions. The betrayal of been taken advantage of. The sadness and loss of the money. The raw anger.  The frustration of still no conclusion.

Let Go and Let Change Happen

Then, at 3’oclock am…through the myriad of emotions…a breakthrough! The serenity prayer comes to me. You know it…

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

And wisdom to know the difference.”

I cannot change the fact that the money is gone. The only thing I can do is to let it go, and be grateful. I know, sounds ridiculous. Grateful? WTF?! Grateful for what? I get to start over?

Yes. And, I am grateful. There is a solution. We will use the equity we have built in our home over the last 10 years to get us out of debt. We have the opportunity to start over. We are wiser. We are stronger. And, in my experience, in tough times likes these…what’s behind the next door is better than we could have ever imagined. We are guided. Find the good in difficult terrain, and be grateful for it. Embrace change.  And, never give up!

This week’s challenge Rockstars: Let’s get real and raw with ourselves. What are you “figuring out?” Then practice letting go and letting change happen. Take time each day to be grateful (even if it is just 5 minutes). After the week is over, share your experience with us. Do you feel relief? How is this simple exercise changing your life? Giddy up!

Giving and Receiving

I had an amazing opportunity to volunteer or “crew” at a recent Tony Robbins event, Unleash the Power Within. The experience was profound in many ways.

First of all, I didn’t know anyone there. I got to step out of my comfort zone and just show up with almost 600 other strangers (to me) that wanted to help support the attendees of the event. Instead of planning and controlling everything, my motto for those 5 days was to “be flexible.” what a refreshing experience!

When I got there we were waiting to find out which entrance we were allowed in due to security. We walked from one end of the building to another. I laughed about it. Was going with the flow. I got to meet several people while we walked. It was actually fun. From one activity to another, we all went with the flow, going with what was needed and what would happen next.

I wasn’t sure what it would feel like to give so fully of myself for several days. IT WAS AMAZING! I was able to take care of my own needs just fine and had plenty overflowing to give. My energy was high, and really loved smiling at others and helping with whatever they needed. Much of the time I simply walked around answered any questions asked of me, handing out items when needed and things like that. Small, simple acts of giving. Giving love essentially. For the first time, I didn’t think, “What about me?” at all and that was really refreshing and fulfilling.

I know there are others out there that have the opposite pattern of giving so much they are depleted, but for me this was perfect. Being able to serve others and be spontaneous actually was giving ot myself in the end.

Author: Jenn Piorkowski

Jenn is the embodiment of the “Self Love Rockstar.” She enjoys serving the community and healing others through writing, Reiki, and sharing her authentic personality. She also allows plenty of time for fun and adventure personally and professionally.

Jenn is the embodiment of the “Self Love Rockstar.” She enjoys serving the community and healing others through writing, Reiki, and sharing her authentic personality. She also allows plenty of time for fun and adventure personally and professionally.

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