self love, personal growth, meditation

How do Rockstars Stay Present?

Usually when I share something with you all it’s because I’ve been on the journey and discovered some useful rockstar tools that can help you along your own journey. Today, however, I’m writing about something I’m currently working on myself- being present. Yes I’ve heard about the gift of “now” and all of that, but recently I’ve become increasingly aware that it’s a challenge for me to actually be present and in the moment.

I know the first step in any personal growth is to become aware of the contrast of experiencing something I do not want to experience, which is a good thing. My tendency is to shift into future (and sometimes in the past), which I notice most when I am around my children. They are a constant reminder of change and growth happening quickly.

Tonight for example, I was getting my 5 year old to sleep. She asked me to rub her back (adorable) and I immediately started thinking of what I was going to do after she was asleep. I stopped myself. Well actually, those mean self-destructive voices about being a terrible mother stopped me. After I told them to chill out I stopped and took some deep breaths. I became aware of the way my daughter’s back felt as I rubbed it for her. I felt sad/happy. In other words, sad because she is growing so fast, and happy because I am grateful I get to experience her and my other daughters, as they grow. I enjoyed the sweetness of the moment. And then I remembered a book I’ve never sat down to read by Eckart Tolle, The Power of Now.

So my challenge for me rockstars (and for you if you’d like), is to read that book if you haven’t already along with me, and to find one moment each day to stop and bring yourself present. Ideally, it would be amazing to be present most of the day, but just start wherever you are, just like I am. Giddy up rockstars!

Author: Amy Carpentieri

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