Self Love, Personal Growth

Self Love, Hypnosis, Divorce, and Financial Abundance

Sooo… if you are like I was in the past then you’ve heard about hypnosis either in movies (like “Now You See Me” or “Shallow Hal”), or you have heard about people using hypnosis to lose weight or quit smoking. Recently I have learned about a whole different kind of hypnosis called “hypnotherapy.”

I know that Self Love Rockstars love the path of least resistance. We always ask, “What is the easiest and most ‘in the flow’ way to feel good, love ourselves, and to thrive?” We talk about changing our state, moving our bodies, immersing ourselves in workshops, listening to music with subliminal messages, and now we are adding hypnotherapy.

At SLR, we are all about exploring these tools together, and I had a profound hypnotherapy session recently. The idea of “getting out of my head” and going under the surface to the subconscious has always been appealing to me. So many of us are stuck “in our head” and have a challenging time getting to the emotions, or “root” of issues so they can heal. Using the subconscious can be a great solution.

Stuck in a Past Experience?

What I didn’t realize before is that beliefs and experiences from the past (sometimes really way, way past) can keep us “stuck” now all these years later, in a revolving, repeating pattern. This was the revelation from the session I had last week. Here is what happened.

I was working on the issue of financial abundance and we had identified some beliefs and feelings I had about money in a previous session. During this session we went over the beliefs and feelings about money after I was hypnotized and I surprisingly regressed to the moment where I was around 5 and my dad sat me in the room and told me he and my mom were getting a divorce. I started crying and feeling super emotional in the session. I was not counting on that at all!

Divorce and Financial Abundance

I didn’t realize there was a connection with financial abundance and my parents getting divorced, but it was there with younger me. She was crying and apologizing for asking him and my mom to buy the bigger house and feeling like it was her fault they were getting a divorce because of all the fighting about money. All these years later and these beliefs were hanging out in my subconscious and affecting my abundance?!? What else is hanging out there?

The practitioner went on to review the previous list of beliefs one at a time, replacing each negative belief with a positive one- having adult me guide the 5 year old the truth vs. the belief and confirming she believed it. This process felt amazing- like I was being stitched together one healing light band aid at a time. It was beautiful how much light I felt- and then she asked the adult me if there was anything else i wanted to share with 5 yr old me- I shared many beads of wisdom- about our brilliance and gifts, about how loved and whole we are, and about setting boundaries and respecting ourselves, and about connection and being whole. It was so beautiful and deep.

Being hypnotized was amazing… i was totally aware of what was happening, but I knew I was hypnotized by the responsiveness evaluations she did- it is truly amazing. Now I am integrating and feeling my way around. I am so grateful and happy to let go of beliefs to have been carrying around for FORTY years!

I definitely went out of my comfort zone using hypnotherapy, and I’m so glad I did. The challenge for all of you Rockstars is to try a form of healing you haven’t explored before and really go for it! Giddy Up Rockstars!

Author: Amy Carpentieri

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