Tag: Seminars

Self Love Learning | Self LoAve Rockstar

Tony Robbins is Not My Guru But…

He IS an amazing teacher and resource for growth, self love tools, and transformation.

Ironically my first venture back into work after being a stay at home mom for 10 years was as an outbound sales rep for one of his partner companies.

At that time I had never been to a love Tony Robbins event and quite frankly was intimidated by even the thought of it. My impression at the time was that he would push me to do things I wasn’t ready to do. His strength on tapes (yes tapes) was super intense for me at the time. He actually describes breakthroughs as being that moment where we decide “enough is enough.” I wasn’t ready for major change until several years later. I was invited to an “Unleash the Power Within” event as a platinum guest, which meant I got to sit in the front section. What I experienced was completely different than what I expected.

Tony’s sincerity and caring comes through right off the bat. It is obvious he absolutely loves what he does. He clearly wants to help people get past their own limitations and into self love, acceptance and living the most outstanding life we can live.

His methods are nontraditional, helping participants shift old patterns and lock in new ones. Also, he plays full out, teaching for long 14-16 hour days in what he calls “total immersion” learning for the best results. By the end of UPW I felt incredible– more alive, resolved, excited for life, self loving, and with a renewed sense of purpose and elevated standard. I haven’t looked back since!

By far this seminar has been the most profound personal growth experience to date.. When I left the seminar I felt like a light switch had been turned on that had been dimmed for many years, and that I could dream again. If you feel this may be the right time for you to majorly transform your life, step into self love in a real way, and overall kick some major Rockstar ass, see which Tony Robbins event may be the right one for you. You will never look back. As one of the song states in the seminar “Life will never be the same.”